Ligers RULE!!! We Will Take Over The World

Liger Magenta

Liger White
Liger Black
Liger Magenta
Liger Flourescent Yellow
Liger Old Man

i am obviously the sexiest of all the ligers

i write about my hatred for war and my wanting for peace through poetry.  Eventually, i will get so tired of war, that i will want to end it so bad that i will kill you all!
P.S. don't invade Iraq
P.P.S. BUCK FUSH!!!!!!!!!!

i publish the newspaper for the ligers.  Here are some of my poems:
Roses are red violets are blue
i hate war and so should you 

my ligerlings are:
1.ligerling Atlas
2.ligerling Guletz

My weapon of choice:knives so i can chop up the vile corprate scumbags that oppose me

cool knives-trad.jpg
pretty neat huh?

if you haven't seen napolean dynamite yet i would advise you to see it so my fellow ligers will not kil you.
Site by Liger Black